Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Friday - July 29, 2011

pc wusses rename ‘gun quarter’ after 250 years

Pig ignorant pc schmucks just never stop looking for things to condemn.

These would be the very same folks who are ashamed of past Brit success and apologizing for even being Brit.  Freeken jerks.

I can’t think of anything to add to this.  Not that it needs me as the sorry event speaks for itself.

Here, see if you can make sense of this liberal pc bs.

Birmingham’s historic Gun Quarter is renamed… because PC critics say it glorifies crime


It encapsulates a manufacturing heritage stretching back 250 years.


During the Napoleonic Wars, almost 1.9million muskets, rifles, carbines and pistols were manufactured for the Government in the district’s numerous weapons factories.

But Birmingham’s historic Gun Quarter is now to be renamed because of concerns that it could be linked with the firearms crime which blights other parts of the city.

Officials said residents no longer wanted to be associated with weapons of war.

Instead the district to the north and west of the city centre will be known as St George and St Chad in recognition of a local church and Birmingham’s catholic cathedral.

Yesterday, opponents of the rebranding exercise said the Gun Quarter had been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, while even the Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral said the decision sounded ‘irrational’.

Tim Huxtable, Birmingham City Council’s Tory head of regeneration, said the decision had been taken after a public consultation, although one petition received by the council was signed by just 50 people objecting to Gun Quarter. 

He said: ‘We listened to the local community, which is the whole point of consultation. The views of local people seem quite clear.’

Just had a thought.  This one line, ‘We listened to the local community, which is the whole point of consultation.’ Yeah. That one. Funny how this ‘consultation’ thingy works. Innit?  Seems like the consultations that get listened to and acted upon, are always the easiest or the least inconvenient for the ppl in power. This was an easy decision.  But despite consultations some few years ago, our local post office is still closed. Consultations are nothing but bull shit. It’s tossing a noisy dog a bone. Nothing more.

Sir Albert Bore, leader of the opposition Labour group, said: ‘What kind of nonsense is it when we replace the Gun Quarter with St George and St Chad?

‘Like it or not, and I am not into the arms trade myself, the Gun Quarter has a historical connection with this city. This is just political correctness.’

The name change was described as a ‘terrible shame’ by the owner of one of the few surviving gun makers in the district.

Simon Clode, managing director of Westley Richards and Co, said: ‘This is an important part of Birmingham’s history. The area is not well occupied by gun makers now, but it’s still the Gun Quarter.’


The Very Reverend Canon Gerry Breen, Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral, said the name change was ‘almost as irrational as deciding not to call the Black Country the Black Country’.

Reverend Larry Wright, Rector of St George’s Church, however, said he was among those who had lobbied the council to change the name.

‘We wrote on behalf of our own congregation – many of whom wanted a name change to move away from any suggestion that this area was associated with gun crime,’ he said.

‘But they could have come up with something snappier (than St George and St Chad).’

A council spokesman insisted the gunsmith area would live on as a separately defined part of the new St George and St Chad quarter.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/29/2011 at 12:09 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifePolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 26, 2011


Unlike some folks, I do not have to go far or hunt for things to bother, offend or see that ever present RCOB.  Nope.  I just have to innocently pick up either of our morning papers and there it is. Or perhaps the word should be plural. Yeah.
There they are is a better way to express it.

The following article is a case in point.  For sheer pc and idiot left wing thinking this gets a prize all it’s own.  But it’s par for the course in the west these days.  I can’t even say, oh well.  What would you expect. It’s England.  Of course that’s very true but I think it could apply almost anywhere in the west these days.

I’ve shared articles and rants about Europe’s cancer before.  In fact, many times.
Travellers/Gypsies … a thieving and troublesome unwashed band of unwanted neighbors who happily take over land illegally, and then demand and get rights.
Too bad there isn’t anyone here dedicated to the eradication of this vermin.  And make no mistake, they are that. In spades.  But the worse people are the shit liberals who enable them. Without them, the problem might be less.

So here’s another example of libthink.

Finally after spending multi millions the authorities get an eviction approved. And that did not happen over night.
But wait ….. the eviction might be delayed and in fact most likely will. Why?


Eviction of travellers from Britain’s biggest gypsy camp delayed while bailiffs undergo ‘cultural awareness training’

· 400 travellers to be moved on next month after being at the site for ten years
· Council wants ‘bespoke training… for the forced removal of women and children’

That’s the headline.  Should you want to read the damn thing, aim your rifle, whoops. Wishful thinking.  I mean aim your browser HERE.


And then there’s the usual bullshit which is tiresome I know, but I really can’t help bringing this kind of madness to readers of this site.  Not that it will do any good or correct a lunatic situation.
You may be aware that France is trying to ban the public wearing of the burka.
In fact, they have banned it although I’ve read that some have defied the ban.

Welcome to democratic and open and liberal England where the traditions and culture of the native population take second place to the sensibilities and customs of almost anyone else.  Oh … btw.  Just a reminder that there should be no celebration commemorating the Battle of Waterloo as it could cause alarm and or offence.
Germans unite.  Protest all these yearly and even mid yearly Battle of Britain ceremonies.  Just threaten to sue for hurt feelings. That always works here.  Jeesh.  What a fracked up world.

Anyway …. due to the ban in France …..

French burkha ban boost for London stores as Middle-Eastern tourists head for ‘friendly’ Britain


British shops are cashing in on the burkha ban in France because wealthy Middle Eastern shoppers are avoiding Paris.
London retailers have benefited from a tourism boom after Nicolas Sarkozy’s government banned the headscarf in April.
Liberty, the West End store, has seen a 45 per cent surge in the number of international visitors - while Selfidges has seen a 40 per cent rise.


Never mind the article.
Click on the link, scroll down to the comments section. It’s not like all Brits approve of a facial covering.  But to hear the govt. types talk, you could be forgiven for thinking that a vast majority are at ease with the idea of anyone wearing face covering in say, a bank.  And that reminds me.

The word from liberal Norway is that in spite of the horrific event of last Friday, Norway welcomes multi-culture and plans on encouraging more of the same.
While I don’t agree with what that guy did, I think I understand his hatred and frustration. How long can you survive in a country that’s nibbling itself to cultural death?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/26/2011 at 10:05 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINE •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 13, 2011

I approve!

I approve of this result: Ice Cream Truck Driver Shot and Killed

I can’t tell you how often I’ve wanted to do just that. Daily I’m bombarded by ice cream trucks blasting ‘HELLO!’ to me. I’m sure they in violation of all OSHA regulation regarding broadcast sounds.

I remember ice cream trucks fondly. When I was a kid, the ice cream man would park on a block, and then turn on his music. Softly. But loud enough that we kids knew he/she/it was there, and could lobbie Mom or Dad for funding.

Here, I can hear them coming three blocks away! I don’t want to hear ‘Hello…’ again. As if we didn’t notice your lack of manners.

Yes, this happened in Dayton. Not a part of town I’m familiar with. But…open season on annoying ice cream trucks?

If they’d do the way they did when I was a kid–no problem. As it stands–my hat’s off to whoever did the deed.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 07/13/2011 at 10:29 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily Life •  
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calendar   Saturday - July 09, 2011

lets give three cheers and 3 cheers more for law and order? where?

Some news in review from past week or two.  Just things I neglected at the time but still thought of interest.

Like ....


A PAGAN prison chaplain visited Deerbolt to raise inmates’ awareness about the religion during a week to celebrate diversity at the dale jail.
Prisoners spent a thought-provoking week learning about differing cultures as part of efforts at the young offenders’ institution to promote respect for all people, regardless of their backgrounds.
Diversity Week featured talks on Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam and a performance by Bert Draycott – the world spoon-playing champion.

Hey,hey. Lets hear it for the spoons.  Still, if it keeps them from rioting or other fun and illegal games while inside, what the heck. They need something to occupy them until they get out so they can repeat the activities that got em sent away to begin with.
And speaking of being sent away.  How’s this for a corker?
You could not make this one up.  It a pretty good example (or a bad one depending on your take) of how one police authority deals with a life long career criminal.
Take a look at this.

‘Give the public a rest’

Female convict with ‘truly appalling record’ jailed for 229th offence


A woman described by a judge as having more convictions than any female convict that had ever been before him has been sent to prison.

Yet, despite her having totted up 229 convictions, Staffordshire Police have refused to issue a photograph of prolific thief and fraudster Penelope Russell, 42.
The drug user has brought misery to the victims of her 129 thefts, 52 frauds and other crimes that she has committed since she was a teenager.

Judge Paul Glenn told Russell she had a ‘truly appalling record’ and that he had ‘never seen a female offender with so many convictions’.
Despite a request from Mail Online for police to release an image of Ms Russell, our reporter was told: ‘On this occasion it’s not going to happen.’

Reasons cited were that because the case happened four days ago, reporting would not be contemporaneous and the force has a policy not to release an image of a convict unless they receive a sentence of three years or more.

Daniel Hamilton of Big Brother Watch said: ‘While suspects who have not been convicted of a crime must have their identities protected, this woman waived her right to anonymity when she chose to carry out almost 230 criminal offences.

‘Communities have a right to know the identities of those terrorising them.  The Police are wrong to hide behind this veil of anonymity.’

The decision by Staffordshire Police flies in the face of the Judge’s summing up in which he told Russell: ‘You are a professional criminal and the public deserve a rest from you, particularly the female shoppers you so regularly target.’


So once out of jail I guess she can rack up new scores. People in the area who have not encountered her before, will have no idea until she targets them. In other words, it would be impossible to avoid her.
Wouldn’t it be much easier to make her simply disappear? But then I guess her rights trump the rights of innocent ppl going about their business.
Not only would it be easier to do away with the slag.  It would certainly be cheaper in the long run.
Just think of the savings that could then be turned into more aid for Africa or the continuing war in Libya or perhaps an increase in aid to the charity that collects for aid to asylum seekers.  The options are limitless.

Here’s another Moonbat decisions aimed at crime fighting. Actually, not so much crime fighting as accommodating it.  Wouldn’t you say?


Suspects cannot be handcuffed ‘just’ because they pose a danger to police.

Swearing at police ‘is no longer an offence’: Met accused of surrendering to foul-mouthed louts


Police chiefs were accused of surrendering to foul-mouthed louts who subject their officers to vile abuse.
Officers have been banned from arresting yobs who insult them with the most offensive swear-words in the language.

Secret guidance issued to front-line police tells them not to act because the courts will not believe they have been upset by the abuse.

The policy change was greeted with dismay by officers and MPs, who said it was a sign of a collapse in respect for police.
They said it would make it even harder to deal with the rising number of late-night drunken skirmishes outside pubs, clubs and takeaways.

The Metropolitan Police, Britain’s largest constabulary with more than 32,000 officers, has issued a card, designed to be kept behind a warrant badge, telling officers to do nothing if they are abused by a member of the public.

The memory aid states: ‘The courts do not accept that police officers are caused harassment, alarm or distress by words such as ‘f***, c***, b*******, w******.’

source for above


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/09/2011 at 02:41 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 07, 2011

In The Inbox


It’s good to know I’m not the only one confused!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 02:11 PM   
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calendar   Friday - July 01, 2011

Foolish Child

Child, 5, shoots Child, 4

HILLCREST HEIGHTS, Md. - Prince George’s County Police say a five-year-old boy shot a four-year-old boy on a playground in the 4400 block of 23rd Parkway in Hillcrest Heights.

Police are still trying to figure out where the five-year-old boy was able to access the gun. They believe he found it in the home, but don’t know whose gun it is.

Police say the bullet passed right through the upper part of the four-year-old’s torso.

Ebony Webb says she was there when the four-year-old boy ran into his apartment after he was shot. She called 911 and helped clean the wound. Officials transported the four-year-old to Children’s Hospital. Authorities say the gunshot wound is not life-threatening.

Police say after shooting, they found the boy who pulled the trigger and the gun he used in the boy’s apartment. Police are questioning the shooter’s parents and other adults who had access to the apartment.

Ebony Webb rushed downstairs to discover the five-year-old had shot his four-year-old playmate through the chest.

She told ABC7: ‘He shot him real close so I took him upstairs… took metal pieces out of the wound.’ She added: ‘He didn’t cry or nuthin.’ He’s a soldier.’

Miss Webb said the injured boy was in shock, so she laid him on her bed and called police, then did her best to clean him up.

The shooter ran back to his family’s apartment, where police later found him and the weapon. Ebony Webb says she was there when the four-year-old boy ran into his apartment after he was shot.
“We just heard a big boom, a big shot,” Webb said.
“How did the five-year-old obtain the handgun, and who does it belong to?” Prince George’s County Police Officer Mike Rodriguez asked.

One witness told MyFoxDC that it appeared to be a .22-caliber handgun. Dee Johnson, 29, who identified himself as the shooter’s uncle, told The Washington Post that the boy found the gun outside. He added that the boy’s mother, who lives in the apartment with three other children, does not keep guns there.

Authorities are questioning residents of the apartment complexes about the incident, and it is possible that charges will be filed.

Very sad state of affairs, that’s all I’ll say. I doubt that either of these boys will live to see 30. I don’t know Hillcrest Heights, but I can guess. And my guess is that it isn’t a good place to raise a family.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/01/2011 at 08:34 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINE •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 28, 2011

There Goes the Neighborhood


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 06/28/2011 at 07:10 PM   
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calendar   Friday - June 17, 2011

lady cop fails test therefore, “it’s discrimination” says a judge. and sexist

Well now how could I possibly not share this with you.  I got it from one of my favorite writers. Richard Littlejohn, who writes for the Daily Mail.

Diversity squad running riot

A couple of promising entries this week for the Mind How You Go Awards.

In Manchester, a 51-year-old female inspector has brought a sex discrimination case because she failed a fitness test.
For the past 30 years, officers have been required to run 500 yards, wearing full riot gear and carrying shields, in less than two minutes 45 seconds. Inspector Diane Bamber complained it was humiliating and stands to receive £30,000 after a tribunal ruled in her favour.
The time limit has now been raised to three minutes.

Hang on there. With respect to Littlejohn, not certain about the increase to 3 minutes. In fact ....  there’s trouble - a - brewin.’ Take a look That link has the full back up story and it is an eye opener. Also shows how stupid these equality judges are. Read it!

Then there is this. 

Twinned with Bin Laden

When Jack Straw was pandering to his Muslim constituents in Blackburn, I occasionally referred to him as the Hon Member for Islamabad West.
Now we learn that, under an exchange scheme for schools, Blackburn has been twinned with Abbottabad, Pakistan, hiding place until recently of Osama Bin Laden.
You couldn’t make it up.

Maybe they should erect a statue of the deceased Al Qaeda leader outside the Town Hall.
Come to think of it, he’d have been better off hiding out in Blackburn.
If he’d ever been found, he wouldn’t have got a bullet in the brain, he’d have been given legal aid, full welfare benefits, free kidney dialysis on the NHS and a nice couple of council houses knocked together to accommodate his assorted wives and children.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/17/2011 at 10:44 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEJudges-Courts-LawyersUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 07, 2011


Oh come on. It must be okay because it’s billed as “art.” And as a general rule, mostly white. Why on earth is that? 

As if this crap isn’t bad enough, how’s this?  It’s funded by the taxpayer. Yup. Sure is.
Look what you get for your money folks.  Are ya proud?  Jeesh.

There is never any good reason to publicly fund ‘The Arts.’ What folks enjoy and accept (even if in bad taste) will rise to the top and enjoy some kind of success.
All funding for the so called arts does, is fund losers who haven’t the talent or the appeal to the masses of people.  But they are generally nothing more then exhibitionists who might never be noticed, but for public funding.

I’m greatly surprised that not one of these guys got his jewels twisted or punched.
Maybe this audience enjoyed the exhibit.  If so, doesn’t say anything good or encouraging about the future.

More pix at the link.

Naked dancers jumping on the audience?This sort of trashing of manners is an assault on our values

Luke Jennings, dance critic of The Observer, should sue Sadler’s Wells theatre for assault. Last week he was watching an avant-garde show called Un Peu De Tendresse Bordel De Merde. Naked male dancers ran into the stalls, rubbed their crotches in people’s faces, parted their buttocks within inches of women’s noses and generally behaved like apes.

There is a line between artistic shock and shocking art. The thuggishly nude show at Sadler’s Wells proceeded to cross it. One of the dancers, spotting Mr Jennings, tried to steal his pen and notepad. Mr Jennings gripped tight to them.


The dancer, outraged that someone was declining to kowtow to all this nudist japery, retaliated by pulling off the Observer man’s glasses and spitting on them gobbily. He handed them back ‘with a sneer’ (and a slimy smear) before returning to the stage, his pleased-with-itself sausage and veg flapping around for all to see.

Groan, it’s naked-art-scandal time again. Trivial? In some ways. But not for the first time, communal respectability is being challenged by insistent, egomaniacal coarseness. That is worth our attention.

Once again a state-subsidised theatre — Sadler’s Wells receives £2.5 million of our tax money a year — is securing itself some attention by flashing the flesh.

Recently we had masturbation, homosexual rape, male nudity and a hanging-by-testicles at the publicly funded Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith.
There was also some harmless dangling of Sir Ian McKellen’s grandfather-clock pendulum when he played King Lear at the RSC.

Only last week we had a striptease scene, male and female, in the greedily commercial production of Much Ado About Nothing which stars David Tennant.

Was Shakespeare’s loveliest romantic comedy enhanced by a muscular youth baring his smooth gluteus maximus? Not for me — the human body is not a revelation. We all have one, and most of us have seen a fair few in our time.

To the go-ahead crowd of our public theatres, however, nudity is a taboo crying out to be broken. Nudity is — gasp! — a dare.

They have in recent years tried the same thing, to laws of diminishing returns, with bad language, violence and general oafishness.

Dumb down, dirty up, crassify, despoil the bourgeois aesthetic: it is the same thinking that shortly before the Bolshevik revolution saw the Russian futurists shout the anti-traditional slogan: ‘Throw Pushkin and Tolstoy overboard from the steamship of modernity!’

Sometimes stage nudity is nothing more than ‘celebrity gets kit off’, as happened when Anna Friel briefly disrobed in Breakfast At Tiffany’s in 2009, and Daniel Radcliffe flashed his Harry Potters in Equus in 2007.

Jerry Hall slipped off her negligee in The Graduate 11 years ago. Poor old Jerry. She thought she would attract admiration on a par with that of Nicole Kidman in The Blue Room, but the moment was a dud. ‘Two fried eggs in the gloaming,’ as I wrote at the time.

The Kidman moment inspired a colleague to speak of ‘pure theatrical Viagra’, but stage nudity is often terribly unsexy.

The London stage has been going this way for some time. Much of it springs from faux egalitarian self-loathing among the privileged intellectuals who run our playhouses. They agonise over the fact that the majority of their audiences are prosperous, polite, middle-class types. They try to shake them up by giving them something ‘edgy’ and ‘political’.

You can tell a lot about a society from what it holds dearest in art. What are its ideals of line, word, movement and sound? These inform you about that society’s esteem for order, its approach to love, its notions of beauty.

On this basis, 21st-century Western civilisation is in the final twitches of decadent collapse.

The very phrase ‘public morality’ may be one that the Left dislikes. It may be something our defamation judges want to destroy with their injunctions.

But without a code or recognised manners and, yes, morals, without discretion and respect and a sense of beauty, we might as well chuck in the whole thing and hand the keys of the Tower of London to Al Qaeda.

That is why I hope, for once, that lawyers are hired and The Observer’s dance critic takes Sadler’s Wells to court. Sue the pants off them, Luke. They like it that way.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/07/2011 at 10:07 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINETypical White People: Stupid, Evil, Willfully Blind •  
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calendar   Friday - May 20, 2011

crime and odd punishment? no. just crime and free tickets to movies.

I pretty much ignored this a few days ago. Just seemed like same sort of article but different baddies. Girl gangs etc.

A few days ago a Japanese researcher caused a bit of hoo-ha and got the race professionals wound up, by claiming that his studies showed that black women were not as attractive as other races of women.  Much of it he said has to do with a higher level of testosterone in black women which makes them somewhat masculine.
On the other hand, his studies found, he claimed, that black men were attractive.  Frankly, I don’t get that cos the stories over here concerning very vicious white girl gangs don’t appear very feminine.  Nor are they particularly attractive. The odd one maybe striking in face and figure but generally not.
None of which is the focus of this post. I was only reminded of it by the article here and another similar one concerning white female thugs. Young ones. And nasty beyond reason.

So then ... here’s a gang that made life so impossible for some over time, one family actually moved away. And that is not the first time I’ve read about someone selling up and going away rather then suffer the abuse of criminal gangs in their neighborhood. Which please no mistake here, isn’t always located in some urban slum.  So how does a society handle the problem of violent criminal teens? Why by understanding the dears and realizing they need love and help and tickets to movies - sporting events - canal trips - All paid for by .... well of course.

Here ya go. Take a look.

Canal trips, cinema visits and football: The punishment of ‘Whitebirk witches’ in reign of terror


They terrorised their community so badly that one middle-aged man was too scared to switch on his lights at night.

Amanda Holt, 16, and Tori Duxbury, 15, nicknamed the Whitebirk Witches after the neighbourhood where they lived, caused brawls involving crowds of up to 30, shouted abuse at residents, scrawled anti-police slogans on walls, set off fireworks in neighbours’ gardens and hurled bricks at cars.

Last night, their victims were outraged to learn of the ‘punishment’ now being meted out to the teenagers – canal boat trips, cinema visits and sporting activities, all courtesy of the taxpayer.

Earlier this month the pair, from Whitebirk, Blackburn, were named and shamed in court, banned from seeing each other, given overnight curfews and handed interim Asbos ahead of a full Asbo hearing next month.

Now it has emerged they are also being sent on a number of taxpayer-funded recreational activities. As well as trips to see the latest cinema releases and a boat trip from Eanam Wharf on the Leeds-Liverpool canal, they will be taken on outings to a bowling alley and allowed to play in a special programme of football matches drawn up with Premier League team Blackburn Rovers. For all these trips they will be provided with drinks, snacks or a packed lunch and will have free transport to and from the venues.

Holt and Duxbury, whose own choice of nickname, the Whitebirk Bitches, was adapted to ‘witches’ by their persecuted neighbours, have been ordered to attend the programme, estimated to cost more than £1,000 per person, over the coming weeks.

The initiative aims to reform teenage tearaways by giving them constructive activities to do in their spare time.

But victims of the girls’ loutish behaviour have described the move as a ‘reward’ for bad behaviour and a ‘complete waste’ of taxpayers’ money. Ryan Berry, 38, said: ‘It is intimidating to go out looking over your shoulder in case one of them hits you. And as for taking them on jollies to the cinema and bowling alley, that’s just daft. They are being rewarded for causing trouble.’

Phyllis Edwards, 68, added: ‘It’s totally disgusting. What message does that send out to their cohorts? Behave as badly as us and you’ll get the same treats.’

Another resident said: ‘The whole scheme is a disgraceful waste of public money. The victims should be sent on these freebies as a reward for having to put up with them.’

To be eligible for the activities the teenagers have to attend a programme to tackle their behaviour at a community centre in Blackburn.

Under the terms of their interim Asbos, they are forbidden from being in public together, but the rules do not apply at the centre.

And because there are so many other youths with Asbos congregating at the venue, trouble has already started between rival groups.

And here’s an additional example of the kind of harsh punishment meted out to offenders. This’ll put the fear of God in this slag. She was hanging around schools and nailing her victims there. Hey, this’ll teach her. Won’t it?

Last week the Daily Mail revealed a girl of 17, also from Blackburn, accused of robbing children at knifepoint is to be sent on a three-month horse-riding course courtesy of the taxpayer, despite breaching her bail conditions three times.

A spokesman for the Families Against Crime group said: ‘This type of reward-based scheme has no proven effect on changing the behaviour of offenders.’

source for photos and story


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/20/2011 at 02:35 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 17, 2011

please, lets have no displays of the cross in a business vehicle . might offend.

This happens a lot.  I have something I want to post and share, all set and ready but something else catches my eye.

Like this bit of insanity.  Words do fail at moments like this. But I doubt they’ll fail some of you.
How did western civilization ever get this far without the politically correct lunatics dictating how we should think and act.
Especially on the subject of the display of a cross.

Have you ever noticed that even those who aren’t red, don’t make any fuss about the odd display here and there of a hammer and sickle?
Especially at lefty protests over almost anything.
But don’t dare have a cross on the dashboard because that is offensive behavior and it might be seen as intimidating to others not of that faith.

What a load of BS. What a very sick and twisted world the pc crowd has created.  Why isn’t anybody shooting those jerks?

Take a look at this.  Came across my screen a half hour ago. And btw ... PLEASE see the link below cos you really should read every last word of this article, and see the photos as well.  This clearly shows (as if you need more evidence) where America might also be headed when the pc idiots gain everything they want.  And that is not a dumb statement nor is it beyond the possible if allowed to continue unchecked. As it apparently is here. And yeah, I am pissed off at the utter stupidity and lunacy of this act.  See the link.

Persecuted for his cross: Electrician told he faces the sack for Christian symbol on his van dashboard


Last updated at 10:31 AM on 17th April 2011

An electrician faces the sack for displaying a small palm cross on the dashboard of his company van.

Former soldier Colin Atkinson has been summoned to a disciplinary hearing by the giant housing association where he has been employed for 15 years because he refuses to remove the symbol.

Mr Atkinson, a regular worshipper at church, said: ‘The treatment of Christians in this country is becoming diabolical...but I will stand up for my faith.’

Throughout his time at work, he has had an 8in-long cross made from woven palm leaves attached to the dashboard shelf below his windscreen without receiving a single complaint.

But his bosses at publicly funded Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) in West Yorkshire – the fifth-biggest housing organisation in England – have demanded he remove the cross on the grounds it may offend people or suggest the organisation is Christian. Mr Atkinson’s union representative said he faces a full disciplinary hearing next month for gross misconduct, which could result in dismissal.

The association strongly promotes ‘inclusive’ policies and allows employees to wear religious symbols at work.

It has provided stalls at gay pride events, held ‘diversity days’ for travellers, and hosted a gender reassignment event entitled A World That Includes Transpeople.

(WOW. So now there’s a new category called, “Transpeople?” A question. Why is all the above funded with public money? It is ya know. If those people need all those things, they should get their own financing or pay out of their own pockets. Oh no. That’d never do when so much public money is on offer. And why should it be the association’s responsibility to host those things anyway? )

Mr Atkinson, who has an unblemished work record, said he had not been shown similar respect.

‘The past few months have been unbelievable, a nightmare,’ he said.

‘I have worked in the coal mines and served in the Army in Northern Ireland and I have never suffered such stress. The treatment of Christians in this country is becoming diabolical. It is political correctness taken to the extreme.’

But he added: ‘I have never been so full of resolve. I am determined to stand up for my rights. If they sack me, so be it. But I am standing up for my faith.’

Mr Atkinson’s battle follows a series of similar cases involving Christians who claim their freedoms have been curbed following the introduction of controversial equality laws.

Campaigners accused the housing association of ‘remarkable intolerance’ at a time when millions of Christians will be celebrating Palm Sunday today, a week before Easter Sunday. Palms are traditionally distributed during services to mark Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.

Despite the company’s treatment of Mr Atkinson, the boss of the depot where he works in Castleford has been allowed to adorn his office with a poster of the Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara.

Denis Doody, who is WDH’s environmental manager, also has a whiteboard on which are written several quotations by the Marxist guerrilla leader, who was a key figure in the Cuban revolution in the Fifties.

Colleagues said staff and even members of the public who were visiting the depot would be able to see the poster and whiteboard through his office window.

Mr Atkinson began work as an electrician in the mines before serving as an Army radio technician for seven years. His military career included a stint at the notorious, riot-torn Long Kesh internment camp in Northern Ireland in 1974.

He was employed as a £25,000-a-year electrician by Wakefield Council in 1996, but its housing department was transferred into the association’s ownership six years ago.

His ordeal began last year when managers at WDH, which has 31,000 properties, told Mr Atkinson to remove the cross from the van after years of ignoring it.

He demanded to know why. He said his cross was as discreet and inoffensive as other forms of religious expression and accused his bosses of badgering him.

The company said, however, that he had refused a ‘reasonable’ request to remove the symbol from an official vehicle that could be seen by members of the public.

The 64-year-old grandfather became a committed Christian more than 20 years ago and was a regular Church of England worshipper for many years.

Click my mascot, Blind Anger, for the full article and photos.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/17/2011 at 04:55 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 10, 2011

cops,queers,diversity and a crumbling culture

Trust me, the hard copy looks worse.

What the hell has gotten into what was a saner world?  And please lets not blame all of this crap on the fags. Not all of them are over the top and dumb and self seeking. Nope.  It’s the otherwise very straight enablers among both left and even right, who are more concerned about political correctness.
It’s the people who while they may be straight enough, just threw in the towel and found it easier to accept this kind of thing then fight it.
The schools don’t help either of course, because there’s a generation now being schooled to accept diversity and the inclusion of all things and to accept homosexuality as just another normal activity.  One not to be challenged or criticized.
This is not a police dept.  It’s fairyland.

I assume the same is true stateside in some places.

Army medals out, Gay Pride badges in, and theft blamed on badgers to cut crime rates: How political correctness is crippling my police force

Writing anonymously, for very obvious reasons, a police inspector reveals to the Mail how the force he loves is being crippled by political correctness and the (often dishonest) pursuit of government targets

Diversity is sacrosanct: One police officer improves community relations at a Gay Pride march

The suspect stared at me with hooded eyes, devoid of any emotion or conscience. His emaciated figure was so wrecked by heroin abuse that he could barely raise his arms.

‘Hello, inspector, it’s me again,’ he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

He had every reason to sound cynical, even contemptuous. He was a one-man crimewave, a prolific offender whose miserable life was dominated by violence, drugs and thieving, yet in all his years of delinquency he had never been properly punished by our laughably misnamed justice system.

When he was brought into the station last week, on a charge of stealing from a 94-year-old woman, I had a look at his record. It was a lengthy indictment of the incredible leniency of our courts.

Aged only 23, he had been arrested 80 times and convicted of an incredible 140 offences.

Among his crimes were assault, aggravated burglary, blackmail, theft and possession of Class A and Class B drugs.

His behaviour has long been out of control, showing respect for neither the law nor the rights of others. But despite his lengthy catalogue of offending, he has spent just 12 weeks in prison.

The only lesson he has ever learned is that he has nothing to fear from the courts. No doubt he will receive another ineffectual slap on the wrist the next time he is up before a judge.

As a long-serving police inspector, I despair of the reluctance of the state to deal vigorously with serious criminals such as this thuggish drug addict. This soft, destructive stance not only weakens public faith in the fight against crime, but also undermines the morale of the police.

What drags down our effectiveness, however, is not just the useless courts system that so often undoes all the effort we put into building cases, but also the highly politicised, target-driven, dogma-fixated culture of the police hierarchy.

Instead of allowing us to focus on the real task of tackling criminality, police chiefs and politicians have bogged us down in bureaucracy, much of it driven by fashionable obsessions with multiculturalism and meaningless performance statistics.

Official determination to manipulate crime figures has reached new heights of idiocy. Data is no longer a reflection of performance, but an exercise in deceit of the public.

In this brave new world of propaganda — conjured up by a string of directives — a vast array of crimes are reclassified by ‘crime managers’ to lessen their seriousness.

Badger damage: Potting shed break-ins are blamed on the animals to keep crime figures down

So burglaries of potting sheds become ‘badger damage’, broken windows are blamed on ‘frost’ and stolen handbags are listed as ‘lost or misplaced’.

Even vandalism to vehicles can be ascribed to ‘stones thrown up by speeding cars’.

The warped priorities of this culture are also reflected in the ridiculous amount of time we have to devote to the creed of diversity.

At times it seems as if the modern police force is seen by senior managers as a vehicle for social engineering rather than deterring crime.

My internal office phone directory lists no fewer than 32 officers with ‘diversity’ in their job title, all of them working nine-to-five in desk-bound jobs, while we slog it out on the front line. I was half-hoping that, given their irrelevance to the battle against crime, they might be made redundant in the public-sector cuts, but that was far too optimistic.

Diversity is sacrosanct, its commissars are protected and its influence is all dominant.

So in our training, for instance, just one day a year is devoted to practical instruction in officer safety, dealing with procedures such as correct use of handcuffs, Tasers and batons, or how to put a violent suspect in a van or cell.

Yet the effort devoted to diversity is far greater. We have to carry out two days of diversity training a year at headquarters, another day at our divisions, go through an eight-hour ‘e-learning’ package on our computers and, in our annual performance appraisal forms, show that we have accomplished three separate objectives ‘to raise diversity awareness’.

In addition, during weekly individual meetings with our supervisor, we have to explain what we have done to promote cultural diversity.

The minutiae of Hindu festivals, details of Black History month and the rituals of gypsy culture are all drummed into us. The whole pantomime is idiotic, especially in my neighbourhood where the ethnic minority is tiny.

Once, as one of my personal ‘diversity objectives’, I stated I had listened to some Indian sitar music in a Manchester park.

Such absurdities can be found everywhere in the police. So we were told recently that former servicemen like me were no longer allowed routinely to wear medal ribbons on our uniforms, as had previously been customary, because such insignia might be deemed offensive to Muslims and Irish people. However, we have been encouraged to wear Gay Pride badges.

Similarly, Welsh and Scottish police forces are allowed to wear their national badges on their uniforms, but the St George’s flag appears to have been banned by English forces, as if our national identity is an embarrassment.

The neurosis about diversity is also reflected in the requirement to cater for every type of inmate, so our custody suites have a menu of no less than 16 choices, include low-carb, vegetarian, fat-free, kosher and halal.

The ideology extends to the front line. When visiting a Muslim household, we are instructed to remove our shoes, but I have refused to obey that edict because I believe it is disrespectful to my position as British police officer.

Political correctness has destroyed the moral self-confidence of senior managers

On one occasion, I had to call on a Muslim family and the daughter refused to let me in until I had taken off my boots.

I simply told her that, while on duty, I was not prepared to remove any part of my equipment, footwear included. So she went off to her father to report my non-compliance, only to find he did not object at all to me keeping my boots on.

When I reported this back to the Diversity Unit, the officer implied that I must have intimidated the father, which was nonsense.

This diversity officer was indulging in just the kind of stereotyping he condemns in others, clinging to the belief that every Muslim adheres devotedly to religious custom.

On another occasion, I was given a reprimand because I told a family that their son was a drug dealer. The mother had made a complaint that we were harassing him.

When I turned up at her home, which appeared to be well-equipped with the proceeds of his drug crimes, I told her frankly: ‘We keep arresting him because he’s a dealer.’

Such honesty prompted another complaint from her, and I was told I should have shown more ‘tolerance and politeness’ in my language towards the family.

Eco-friendly: The new four-wheel-drive cars for firearms officers were discovered to be simply not big enough

New four-wheel-drive estate cars for firearms officers, which were discovered to be simply not big enough for four armed officers with all their equipment.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/10/2011 at 05:25 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 03, 2011

Harry Reid makes me embar-assed to be a Mormon

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the floor this morning to yet again rail against the House’s 2011 omnibus bill. He listed a number of the bill’s evils.

The last few days I’ve come to the floor and explained at length the damage that this Tea Party plan would do on the short term and on the long term. Let me now just again talk briefly about a few of the things that I’ve talked about before, but I’ll talk about them again.

Here are some of the consequences. H.R. 1 will fire 700,000 Americans, 6,000 Nevadans. Our budget would create jobs, not cost jobs. It will kick 200,000 head start students, the poorest of the poor—little boys and girls trying to get started in life – it will kick them off their ability to learn to read and do elementary math. Hundreds in Nevada will suffer from that. This is a very successful early education program. Head start works. It would slash college students’ Pell Grants, financial aid so many rely on to afford to go to school.

It will eliminate job-training investment at a time we need them the most. It would pull the plug on 600 renewable energy jobs and the largest solar plant in Nevada. It would fire 600 Nevadans who work at community health centers, which hurts those workers as well as the neediest Nevadans who need this help every day.

It would arbitrarily slash programs that fight crime and keep our neighborhoods safe. It would slash homeless security investments that keep Nevadans safe and our country safe. And, Madam President, we have 55 million, 60 million people who visit Las Vegas every year. It’s important that we keep them safe also.

The mean-spirited bill, H.R. 1, eliminates National Public Broadcasting. Now, that is really saying a lot, Madam President. It eliminates the National Endowment of the Humanities, National Endowment of the Arts. These programs create jobs. The National Endowment of the Humanities is in Nevada every January for a cowboy poetry festival. Had that program not been around, the tens of thousands of people who come there every year would not exist.

Leaving aside the syntax—I’m sure those people would exist, just maybe not as tourists in Nevada—Reid is kind of walking himself into a Jon Stewart mocking here. Losing 700,000 jobs and the plight of poor children in Head Start are serious concerns that Senators must weigh in the coming weeks. The Cowboy Poetry Festival, though, isn’t a line in the sand I think most members are so concerned about. Not that I don’t love cowboy poetry. Yee-haw!

Read more:

Cowboy poetry. Wow. Federally funded cowboy poetry. Double wow. I don’t know if this counts as ‘cowboy poetry’. I still shudder at the term.

Oh give me a home
Where the FDA roam
And the deer and the cattle are all gay
Where seldom is heard
An encouraging word
And ‘brokeback’ is the word of the day.

See? Cowboy poetry. No federal funds were wasted on this bit of doggerel. 


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 04/03/2011 at 05:19 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 30, 2011

wilders to stand trial for discrimination against Muslims and inciting hate

Last week Mr. Wilders gave a speech in Rome, now this week he learns that he must stand trial on old charges of ....


Insulting Muslims ....

Damn good thing those folks don’t have the death penalty, or I’m sure the politically correct, multicultural, diversified ass wipes would hang him.

Like muslims don’t invite hate. Right? Wrong?  I guess being critical of the grizzly bearded mad as a hatter bastards is all it takes.  And to think, he was critical of the so called religion speaking out and saying what many already believe.  I doubt anyone was incited to hatred as it was already there. All Wilders has done was confirm what we already know. 

Geert Wilders to face trial

Geert Wilders, the far-Right Dutch MP will face trial on charges of incited hatred and discriminations against Muslims, after a judge rejected a request to dismiss the case.

By Our Foreign Staff 4:46PM BST 30 Mar 2011
Mr Wilders was charged with insulting Muslims by comparing Islam to Nazism. The case has attracted considerable attention, not just because of Mr Wilders’ controversial comments, but also because of the increasing influence of his Freedom Party, which provides support for the Dutch minority government on key issues.

Mr Wilders has argued that he is exercising his freedom of speech when he criticises Islam and had won the right last month to seek a dismissal of the case.
But reading out the ruling on Wednesday, presiding judge Marcel van Oosten said the case would go ahead. He rejected most of the defence’s objections such as its questioning of the court’s authority to hear the case in the first place and of the way that the prosecutors had pursued the trial.

However, judges did agree with the defence that part of the indictment against Mr Wilders should be dropped. In it he allegedly refers to the Koran as “fascist” and said it should be banned.
The judges said that in including the quotes in the indictment prosecutors were going beyond the brief set out by the Amsterdam appeals court.

Following a brief adjournment, judges, prosecutors and the defence agreed for the trial to resume on April 13 with key witness testimony. If found guilty, he could face up to a year in jail of a 7,600 euro (£6,700) fine.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/30/2011 at 11:04 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEJack Booted ThugsJudges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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